Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dual Coding Theory

Dual Coding Theory takes three cognitive systems and allows them to function together. The first system allows for language to be processed. Next, visual displays are processed and then the mental representation is activated to relate the two.

In this Nike ad, the words are read first. The words over the locker room "Practice Like Champions" are the first words noticed. Next the words "We Believe" are read and are located just below the others and slightly inside the locker room. These words say that if you put your all into practice, then it is believed that you will play like a champion. Those words show that people believe in the players if they try their hardest.

After noticing the words, I next looked at the condition of the locker room. The outside of the locker room looks used and worn down. It appears to be the inside of an old gym from high school. I connected the condition of the room with the words and came to the conclusion that Nike is saying that it does not matter the conditions you play in, as long as you play hard (and in Nike gear) you will be a champion and people
will believe in you.

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