Sunday, September 14, 2008

Interviewing Tips

The first article I read,"Worst-Case Scenerio Survival Tactics for Job Seekers", gave helpful hints on how to avoid problematic situations that can occur before or during an interview. Some of the situations given included being late for the interview, forgetting to bring copies of your resume, not knowing how to answer a certain interview question, and calling the interviewer by the wrong name. This article is especially helpful at this point of my life because I will have interviews coming up over the next year or so. All four of these scenerios are realistic and seen throughout numerous interviews. The article gives suggestions about calling ahead when running late, apologizing for not bringing copies of the resume beforehand, stall or ask for clarification if you do not know how to answer the question, and apologize and correct yourself if you call the recuiter by the wrong name.

The second article is titled "Minor Matters that Make Your Interview". This article included information about how to prepare for the interview. The article suggests that you lay your clothes out the night before to make sure that you have everything all neatly pressed. Other suggestions included eating a light breakfast and staying away from food with onion and garlic, knowing how to get to the interview and where to go once you get inside the building, and how to present yourself once you get out of your car. This article shows that first impressions are really important and that you should be aware of your surroundings when you get out of your car and are preparing to enter the building.

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